Relationship Is Kryptonite To Self-Righteousness

Even a casual reader of the Bible would have to say that we are meant to be relational people. We’re “our brothers keeper,” “two are better than one,” Jesus spends his time with people, and not just people that are on board with his mission, not just people that agree with him. Yes, he is with his disciples much of the time, but he’s also with oppressive tax collectors (nothing in common with today’s tax collectors, so don’t even try), prostitutes, adulterers, and everyone in between. Our lives are supposed to be intertwined with others.

There are SO many reasons why this is significant, but right now I just want to talk about one. It is harder to be unloving when we’re in relationship with someone. It seems that God knows that something happens to our hearts when we know someone personally.

In other words…

If all we know of illegal aliens is what we see on Fox News, then we don’t really care what happens to them or their families, we just want them gone. But if we know one personally and have looked into her eyes and seen her as flesh and blood that Jesus died for, things change. If we see her not as a criminal trying to game the system, but as someone desperately trying to provide for her loved ones, it’s harder to generalize and put her into the category of parasite.

If all we know of corporate CEO’s is what you hear on MSNBC, then all we know is that they hate: women, minorities, and the poor. But if we knew one personally, we might see that those things are untrue. We may or may not agree with their methods, but that they just have different ideas on how to achieve the same goals that we have.

If all I know of welfare recipients is what talk radio tells me, then I’m angry and feel used. But if I know one, I might see that he works more than one job. That hungry children are waiting at home. That he must pray that his car starts every morning. That sometimes he has to decide between working or staying at home with a sick kid. It might make it harder to hurl generalizations on facebook.

Relationship is kryptonite to self-righteousness!

The point is not a political one. We can have our opinions, but those opinions must be covered in love, and we must see in others, the image of God in which they were created. 



Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

9 thoughts on “Relationship Is Kryptonite To Self-Righteousness

  1. Wow, great blog piece… I often find that stereo type of non-relations with Christians to Muslim people. The week after 9/11 I was sitting in my break room and there was some elderly ladies who were talking about the event and remembered how after pearl harbor was attacked that they rounded up japanese and kept watch on people and how they too thought that all Muslims should be put in similiar scenerios. I leaned over and showed them a picture of my baby sister who at the time was like 5 (half egyptian half white) and they said wow she’s beautiful, I said, “she’s an Egyptian Muslim, should she be put in your concentration camp too.” Later when I became a Christian, part of my conviction in travelling was to enlighten people about what they were afraid of, in fact that most Muslims, like my father do not believe in a radical jihad, and that as Christians if we are so suppose to engage the world, then we should be knowledgeable about the largest growing religion in the world and not take from CNN that every Muslim they come across at a gas station is ready to strap a bomb on.

    • @Josh Ahmed Mensinger That story is perfect for this post. It’s funny how we hold up the worst examples of a group as representative of that group, but when people look at Christians as if we’re all like the Westboro Baptist Church, we’re quick to say how unfair that is.

  2. Wow…simple yet profound. I really like this post Shane! So glad you found me on Twitter so I now have the opportunity to read your stuff. I couldn’t agree with you more on this one and I can’t say it any better…so I think I’ll have to just share this on Facebook! 🙂

    • @RebekahRuth17  It is so simple and yet I can find myself being unloving and holding people at arms length. Thanks for the encouraging comment Rebekah, and thanks for reading!

  3. Wow…simple yet profound. I really like this post Shane! So glad you found me on Twitter so I now have the opportunity to read your stuff. I couldn’t agree with you more on this one and I can’t say it any better…so I think I’ll have to just share this on Facebook! 🙂

  4. “Relationship is krypotonite to self -righteousness.”  I love that ….. it applies to all relationships!

  5. Thank you. This is perfect. I have seen this in my own life. I spent many years surrounding myself with people just like me. My impatience, my lack of grace, my judgement, are painful to look back on. It was in getting to know and love some of those very people that God began to change my heart.

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